Sadiq Khan, A Man For All Seasons

” I’ve said it loudly, I have said it clearly, and I’ll say it again. I’m not going to get involved in the leadership contest.”

Why did Khan change his mind on this?

Because Gerald Ronson told him to.

Thus  Khan has revealed his shameless, self serving duplicity for all to see.

The reality is that Khan has only one concern, and that is Sadiq Khan.

In October last Geoffrey Alderman devoted his then regular weekly Jewish Chronicle column to Khan. It was entitled  ” Khan: A friend and a boycotter”

Alderman started by saying that he is Party apolitical, and has never advocated voting FOR a particular person or organisation. He has, however, sometimes  advocated voting AGAINST someone or some organisation and that is what he proposes to do on this occasion. The person he had in mind was none other than Sadiq, and the context was the coming Mayoral election.

Jews shouldn’t vote for Khan because……

In January 2009, Kahn was listed as a speaker at an event in Tooting (hosted by Wandsworth Stop The War Coalition, of which Jeremy Corbyn was a co-founder) that had as its purpose the denunciation of Israeli policy towards Gaza.”

The following month ,” according to a local Tooting newspaper, Khan was a speaker at another demonstration, a march and rally called in support of Palestinian suffering in Gaza. A spokesman for Wandsworth STWC, interviewed by the same local newspaper about the same event, announced that the objects of the campaign were “to lift the economic blockade by Israel, open check points to allow aid, and revoke export arms licenses to Israel. We’re also boycotting Israeli goods.

Worst of all ( apparently ) ” speakers are reported to have included that well-known friend of the Jews the Reverend Stephen Sizer.”

The Jewish Chronicle itself later continued the theme.

Sadiq Khan regularly lobbied for sanctions against Israel when his party was in government, despite using his London mayoral campaign to claim he had consistently opposed such moves.”

” A message sent from his then Parliamentary office manager to a meeting of the Stop the War Coalition in Wandsworth revealed the efforts the Tooting MP had made to challenge Israel.”

The letter, sent around the time of Israel’s Cast Lead operation in Gaza, explained that Mr Khan had “regularly” been in contact with then Foreign Secretary David Miliband and Middle East Minister Bill Rammell, as well as Foreign Office officials.”

” The office manager added: He also wrote to David Miliband… asking that sanctions be brought against Israel.”

” The message to the hard-left group ( SWC ) added: “Sadiq’s commitment to the situation in Palestine is longstanding and will, I can assure you, continue into the future.”

A fortnight ago Sadiq was a principal speaker at the launch of the Labour Friends of Palestine group, which has been set up to help to ensure the Palestinian voice is represented amongst MPs and the Labour party.”

You would think it was a long hard road from principal speaker at a Labour Friends of Palestine launch to guest of honour at CST  dinners, wearing a kippah and drinking a toast to The State of Israel. I  would too. But for Sadiq, it seems , it was easy peasy lemon squeasy.

A spokesman for the post Mayoral candidate Sadiq tells us “ Sadiq’s position on boycotts, sanctions, and divestment of Israel could not be more clear: he completely opposes them.”

So here we have Sadiq being clear again.

Alderman finishes his JC  piece by telling us that it is possible for Khan to turn over a new leaf and….

“As he does so he should reflect on the fact that at the 2012 mayoral contest one polling organisation quizzed a sample of London voters generally over a wide range of issues, including “the poor relationship between Ken Livingstone and the Jewish community.” Of those respondents who declared themselves first-preference Boris Johnson supporters some 40 per cent specifically identified Livingstone’s attitude to Jews as either a “very important” or a “quite important” factor in propelling them to vote for his Conservative opponent.”

Then the final chilling threat…

 Worth thinking about, Mr Khan, isn’t it?”

As it happens Mr Khan was ahead of Geoffers on this one.  He had either worked it out for himself or, more likely, as a result of being the recipient of some ” quiet words “, and some friendly advice pertaining to where his best interests are located.

He had told the Jewish News that they could be assured that he wouldn’t be another Ken Livingstone. This in an article that effectively declared Livingstone to be a racist and which assured us that he would have zero tolerance. Zero tolerance in this context means they could rely on him to keep discourse about Israel in London within bounds that they would find acceptable, and that the police would be made to understand this too.

In a sense Khan has been smarter than Corbyn and his advisers on this. He at least seems to have understood that these people cannot be appeased, that it was a zero sum game. Corbyn should have not given this problem with Jews in the Labour Party bullshit any hint of house room whatsoever, and let them huff and puff and blow themselves out. Instead he fed them little bits hoping they would be satisfied not seeming to understand that what he was giving them was danegeld. And so we are in the totally insane situation we are in today.

Khan judged his political requirements were such that his best option was to hand them everything all at once.  Basically he has said just tell me what to say and do. And of course, they are not shy about doing just that. So he trumpets the Labour Party problem with Jews stuff. He declares it to be a badge of shame.  He declares that the NEC  should get training on antisemitism. No prizes for guessing who he thinks should do this training. He goes to CST dinners. He has taken to wearing a Kippah. He drinks toasts to The State of Israel. To the best of my knowledge he does not drink toasts to any other country.

Basically he has adopted the entire shebang.

On October 8th Khan explained to the Jewish Chronicle why he ” changed his mind about boycotts”

So Khan now has three stories running in parallel.

He supports boycotts.

He has always consistently opposed boycotts.

He did support boycotts but has now changed his mind.

The Jewish Chronicle just has to be the most scurrilous, racist rag published in this country. And this is a good example of their style. Its racist editor, Pollard, doesn’t quit even when he has won. Khan is theirs. He can’t bend over any further. But still it goes on.

Reading this article almost made me feel sorry for him. I said almost. He ducks and weaves and squirms. But the gist is he came to realise that he could no longer support boycotts on evidential grounds. The evidence is that boycotts do not help the cause of ” peace “. Pax Israeliana that is.

Khan is closely supervised by the Community Security Trust.( CST ). The CST plays a highly specialised role in the Israeli Hasbara effort in this country. Levels of antisemitism in the UK are hopelessly too low for the purposes of the political agenda. The CST’s role is to raise PERCEPTIONS of it as high as possible. It does this very effectively.  It is an enterprise of that galactico of fraudsters, Gerald Ronson. Khan now describes Ronson as a “ good friend“.

It would be interesting to know how much Ronson gave to fund Khan’s mayoral campaign.

We do know that the Zio nut job, Michael Foster, was a significant contributor.








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